Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Stolen moments

I hear Sophi rustling around in her crib, so I only have a few moments before naptime comes to an end and find a snack no you can not watch Elmo put that down okay maybe a few minutes of Elmo figure out what we're having for dinner maybe I should wash some dishes so we have clean forks time begins.

I suppose since school started back this week, summer is mostly over.  But Sophi's not in school, so I'm still hoping to squeeze out more summer fun.  ;)  It has been ridiculously hot this summer.  And my pregnant self if apparently a bit whiny in the heat, so we have been staying in a lot unless it involves water.   Sophi loves any kind of water play.  She has had  a lot of fun with her little splash pool, but it is not quite big enough for mommy, or anyone really, to share. 

The summer has sped by so fast, but I am thankful for the memories we made.  I would like a chance to go swimming again before it gets too cool, but other than that bring on the fall weather!   


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Wow..Cute baby.Thanks a lot for sharing these beautiful moments