Friday, February 29, 2008


Today is Leap Day. That sounds like a day frogs and children should all enjoy. I personally think it should be a holiday. I mean, we only get this opportunity every four years. Let's celebrate.

Does anyone else think it's strange that even on leap day, February can't quite keep up with the other months. I think February should always have 29 days and on a leap year make it to 30. One of those months with 31 days could share.

Happy Leap Day everyone!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Only Fair ...

Okay, I'm finally caving. Since I confess I am a blog stalker, enjoying my glimpse into the lives of others, I decided it was time that I joined the ranks. This should be interesting. One of my blogging pet peeves is people who never, I mean like maybe every three months, take time to blog. So, I am going to try to not become that person. However, my current blogs are sure to look boring because I still don't really know how this thing works. The adventure begins! (Wow, that sounded so cheesy...)