Thursday, June 25, 2009


I decided I should post a blog. Because I like reading blogs. I check them everyday. I don't write everyday though. You wouldn't really want me to. They would all be like this one .... pointless.

Don't get me wrong, it's been an interesting day...

I spent a whole hour trying to work with tech support for one of my companies.

I went to the bathroom at least 10 times (so far).

I started a load of laundry.

My husband brought me lemon-berry slush from Sonic (Wasn't that sweet?)

I talked to Krystal for a while. (My favorite part was when she asked Dylan - Didn't I take those away from you? and he so sweetly replied - Yes. So much honesty and zero guilt.)

Unfortunately, I am not witty or deep. So, this is all you get.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

And our own little one...

So, there's the baby bump. I am now at 15 1/2 weeks. Things are going really well. I don't crave naps at 10:00 in the morning any more (which is a relief).

This is our ultrasound from 13 weeks. The picture turned out poorly, the real thing was so amazing. We'll have another in about 6 weeks to find out what we're having!

For your viewing pleasure

Just a little peek at my beautiful niece Emery Elyzabeth. She's so lovely! I can't wait to hold her again soon.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009