39 weeks. If you compare to my last picture (about 6 weeks ago) I am a little proud that I am not even more huge. You know, because I have so much control over all of this. lol
This week has been interesting. My sinuses decided to go crazy on Monday and I have pretty much had a cold all week. (One more reason I am soooo grateful to be off work right now.) So now I am torn between wanting to go into labor as soon as possible and wanting to be able to breathe when I'm there.
Things are not exactly quiet. We have been staying busy - finishing Christmas shopping, buying last minute things we need for the baby, the laundry that never ends, a variety of doctor appointments.
I had my latest check-up yesterday and the doctor said I am between 2 & 3 centimeters and 75% effaced! I can finally tell that the baby has dropped as well. I am really surprised because I expected to be so much more uncomfortable than I am, I didn't think things were moving along. I'm starting to get my hopes up that she will be here before (or on) her due date! But just in case not, they went ahead and scheduled me for an induction on December 16th. It's so nice to have an definite end in mind.
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