Thursday, February 24, 2011

She's coming! She's coming!

 My sister Lindsey is in the hospital right now.  Soon (meaning hopefully today), she will give birth to what can only be a beautiful baby girl.  I am crazy excited.  I can't wait to meet my new niece and it is killing me that we live hours away.  I know she will have plenty of support there, so I am trying to wait patiently for the week that Sophi and I get to visit.  (I keep telling myself there will be less competition for holding Ruthie that way.)

 I am so thankful for technology - getting progress updates through facebook, texts and picture texts, a skype date when they get home from the hospital.  I may be the annoying sister that won't leave them alone, but she annoyed me for about twelve years so it's fair really.

These are some pics from the baby shower for Ruthie in Ohio.  I thought it was appropriate since we are celebrating today as well.  Can't wait to kiss those little cheeks!  We're cheering for you, Lindsey.  You and Nick are going to be wonderful parents. 

1 comment:

miranda said...

That is such a hard place to be in. I've gone through the same thing with my brother.
Hope things go well for your sis. Love all the baby shower pictures, how cute!