Saturday, November 28, 2009

And yet ...

I have absolutely loved my first week off of work! I still need to send in billing for the month, but after that I will not be messing with anything court related until January!!! It's crazy how busy I've managed to stay though. Josh wonders if I'm nesting. Possibly. Or just playing catch up to all the things that I didn't do for the last month. :)

I have been
  • organizing the baby's room
  • washing clothes (ours and Sophi's)
  • cleaning baby equipment - the car seat is now ready to be installed!
  • packing my bag for the hospital
  • packing Sophi's bag for the hospital
  • trying to clean house, but mostly just the kitchen - the rest still needs a lot of work
  • going to many, many doctor and chiropractor appointments
  • enjoying time with my hubby who is finally home
  • eating a lot of yummy thanksgiving food that I did not have to cook
Less than two weeks to go! We have been telling Sophia every day now that she would rather be early than late. We'll see if she turns out to be a good listener. lol

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Showers of blessings

As promised, here are pictures of the wonderful baby showers that we were blessed with. I was blown away but all the support and fun and gifts. :) We are still sorting through everything and it is a fun job.

The first was given by our friends from church. Tracey was gracious enough to let us have it in her home even though she's been busy with a precious new baby of her own. We had family that were willing to drive a ridiculous amount of time just to hang out with us for the weekend. And my sister, Lindsey cooked all the delectable looking goodies that tasted as good as they look. :) We definitely made some memories.

The second was hosted by my sister-in-law Kati (with lots of help from the rest of the family) at the church Josh grew up in. There were a lot of his family able to come join in celebrating. I was again blown away by all the love (even though I couldn't even remember everyone's names!). And Sophi is getting some very special homemade things that I know she will one day appreciate. And for the record, it takes exactly 12 squares of toilet paper to wrap around my stomach. lol

Thanks so much to everyone who was a part. And even if you couldn't make it, I really do appreciate all the support and encouragement we've gotten in the last months. I can't wait to introduce Sophia to you all!!!


As of today, I am 37 weeks in. That means a) only 3 weeks left! b) she could technically come any time now and be full term - but it won't be that soon c) tomorrow is my last day of work! How's that for a run-sentence? lol

Because of all the driving I do with my job, my doctor didn't want me to continue working past 37 weeks. I was disappointed by this at first because it means that much of my time off is "wasted" before she even arrives. Of course, I am excited to be done with work for a few weeks either way. And pregnancy has become more ... physically demanding as the weeks go by, so it will be a relief to not have that responsibility.

It's really funny how many things in pregnancy don't seem like a big deal at all until I experience them for myself. Things like stretch marks (oh so many stretch marks!), cankles, the waddle, hot flashes, etc. No, it's not that big of a deal, yes it will be worth it, but still ...

I was going to post a new belly picture, but when I got dressed this morning my camera was still downstairs. And that just felt like too far to go. :) Just take my word for it, the belly is huge.