Monday, March 7, 2011


My friend, Tara, has been keeping Sophia while I am working in the mornings for a while now.  Her daughter, Bella is only three months older than Sophi and they all have a great time together.  With the start of the new year, we have changed over to Sophi staying with her for my entire work day.   I am so thankful for the excellent care and attention that Sophi gets.  I am able to get my work done without distractions and not feel guilty in the least because I know Sophi is loving it.  When I asked her the other day if she wanted to go bye-bye and see Bella and Tara, she gave me a huge grin.

Tara and I have been friends for almost 4 years now.  I appreciate her friendship and the many conversations we have had so much.  Some days when I go to drop off Sophia, it's hard to leave.  I just want to stay and hang out and have fun with them.  (Even if our conversations now revolve more around baby clothes, eating habits, and nap routines.)   But knowing how much she loves my baby has opened up a special place in my heart. 

Being a working mom is not something that I ever had on my radar.  I would still love to be able to quit my job, and am very to be thankful that I get to stay home on certain days of the week.  But knowing that Sophi is cared for and is learning while I am away gives me so much peace.

1 comment:

Finding joy said...

I agree. It is so hard to leave your kids. I worked full time for the first 10 years of being a mom. Then came baby #4 and my time to stay home with them. You are lucky to have such a great friend!