Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The thermostat in our apartment says it is 56 degrees right now - INSIDE. Josh and I have not turned the heat on yet. He likes it cold and we both like dreaming about what the electric bill will be this month. Keep in mind that we are on a second floor apartment, so we can feel the neighbor's heat some. But I think this is the coldest it's been in here.

I almost caved and turned it on this morning. I was so comfy and warm under my (many) blankets. It was hard to let them go. I don't want to be the one to do it though. Now it's almost like - if he can take it, I can take it. Ridiculous I know. It's going to happen soon, but for now I'm going to put on some more layers.


Emily said...

don't cave! jenn and i didn't turn the heat on AT ALL last winter, even while we were away on break. it was terribly cold, but well worth it. (ps: d. and i don't have the heat on now either.)

Lindsey said...

I feel your pain. I've been sleeping in layers of clothes, layers of blankets and I'm debating wearing gloves to sleep tonight. :)

Terry and Patty said...

Me too except ours is set on 64. You would think you were in a heat wave. I will not will not turn it higher. Flannel sheets and flannel Pjs are the greatest. You kind of feel like your on a flannel board when your move around.