First of all, this post has nothing to do with the book. Unless you count the fact that since hearing Shane Claiborne speak I would be curious to read it. It has more to do with my random train(s) of thought.
I was thinking about government today and how it seems like the trend is to give more control to the government these days. Maybe because it is "easier" just to let them deal with our problems. I was thinking about the very large checks I wrote for our taxes this year and wondering if it would just get higher. After the great government goose chase I had on Monday (in which I spent an hour trying to track down a file that is apparently lost, but it would be too hard for the clerk to make a couple of calls to track it down for me so I don't have to run all over the building ((long story)), I don't have a lot of faith in the organization of the government. I am leery of sending them my money because I'm not sure if I can trust a) what they will do with it and b) that it will be efficiently used toward that purpose.
BUT, this is not a political post. And honestly, my thoughts on government have no bearing other than to explain where they led.
The thought crossed my mind that the only way I would be comfortable with government controlling my money would be if Jesus were president. I would even send him everything I make because ... it's Jesus. (Although that doesn't work if you throw congress into the mix, because they would probably be like the Pharisees and try to get Jesus impeached and not vote through any of his laws.)
Then, I started thinking about Jesus. Because it is really easy for me to say that - even to myself. But I have been reading the book of Luke lately and Jesus... well Jesus is hard to wrap my mind around. I know Him, and Who he is resonates in the deepest part of me. He proclaims good news to the poor, freedom to the captives, sight to the blind, freedom to the oppressed. I see myself in that list.
But Jesus also makes people uncomfortable. He parties, he hangs out with people who who are edgy at best, he extends mercy too freely, he allows extravagant expressions of love in the wrong place at the wrong time, he challenges the status quo, turns religion on it's head, confronts and insults the religious leaders in their own home. And I see myself in them. In their reaction to this Jesus. Who does he think he is and what does he think he's doing? Jesus makes me uncomfortable.
The part that makes me uncomfortable is the part that brings the change we so desperately need. I think I need to embrace the justice Jesus brings.
As far as president, I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't go for it anyway. He came to change people not government. But it is challenging to think about how my life might look different if He had as much control as I like to tell myself He does.
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Incredibly well written.
I like following you train(s) of thought(s)!! I agree, incredibly well written. Possibly your best blogging work! :)
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