Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I told you

The truth is that I do actually do more than sleep. That's the problem really. By the time I do more, I am totally exhausted and lately my dishes have been multiplying in the sink - I swear.

But something pretty funny (and embarrasing) did happen this week. Every now and then when I'm on the road I start to get very sleepy. This happened before baby ever came along, and has definitely been happening more frequently. Sometimes I'll eat a snack or call the fam to wake me back up. Other times, I just decide to take a quick catnap in the parking lot before I can possibly considering driving any more.

This week, I definitely needed a nap. I couldn't even summon the energy to go into the courthouse, so I locked the doors, laid my head on the steering wheel and slept for 5 -10 minutes. I didn't exactly mean to sleep that long, more like close my eyes for a few minutes. But apparently I slept pretty hard.

(At this point, I tried to google a picture of the steering wheel on my car, but surprisingly none to be found - imagine with me...) My steering wheel has a lovely little square in the middle that says pontiac inside. The line that forms the square is very much indented. And the skin of my forehead very much formed itself into that line. (Luckily, I slept high enough that it didn't say pontiac in reverse.) So, I woke up with a bright red, raised line on my head - no where near hidden by the bangs.

It was beautiful. You soooo would have laughed at me. So go ahead - I give you permission now.

1 comment:

miranda said...

I'm laughing!! Can you hear me?!!