Thursday, January 27, 2011

Growing Girl

Sophia has gone from baby to toddler in just a few short weeks.  She is now walking everywhere and has developed a little stubborn streak. She is saying a lot more words and repeating things when the mood strikes her.  She will pick up books on her own and "read" them by babbling some language that I don't yet understand.   And she loves bath time in the big girl tub with her toy fish. 

 Oh, and she likes to cheese for the camera.  (Which we did not teach her to do.)

The change between 12 months and 13 months has shocked me.  I was expecting it when she turned one, but somehow thought time would slow down for me after that.  Now, we are coming up on 14 months and I keep staring at her wondering when my baby turned into a little girl.

But enough sappy stuff.  I only meant to comment on ways she has been learning and growing.  :)  It is definitely more interesting learning to parent and train her as she grows more independent. She is still a little tyke though.    I think she was around 3% for weight at the 1 year visit and 12% for height.  (But still taller than mommy was around that time.)   We took her back last month to make sure she was gaining weight well, and she had gained 5 oz to make it to a whopping 17 lb, 3 oz.  She just tends toward petite I guess.  Though the addition of whole milk is putting some fat rolls on her. :)

She's doing much better about sleeping through the night, which was probably helped along by the weight gain.  And the fact that 3 out of 4 molars are now through - #4 is on it's way, and I hope after this we get a little break from teething.  That will bring the total to 10 teeth!

So maybe you don't care too much about all the details, but I suppose one day I will be difficult to remember, so I'm keeping a record.  ;)  Basically, we love our girl!

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