Saturday, January 29, 2011


So, to make a very long story very short.  I do not have good luck with phones.  I think they hate me.  So for the past year and a half, I've had different issues on and off.  (Don't get an LG Neon!  They are defective.)  My Christmas/birthday present from Josh is to get a new iphone 4, but I am not eligible for an upgrade until March.

So,  I was left needing a phone that works, but not wanting to buy a new one when I could get an iphone if I wait a few more months.  My sister, Lindsey stepped in and saved the day by letting my borrow her iphone (which she was not using the phone function on) until that point.  First of all, I love it.  But secondly, it reminded me of this post from Dave Barnes' blog.  It literally made me laugh out loud, so go read it.

I also found this photo on his blog.  Which has absolutely nothing to do with iphones, but still makes me laugh.

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