Friday, April 15, 2011

Baby Ruth

I wasn't really sure how Sophi would react to Ruth.  She isn't around kids younger than her very often.  (I can maybe think of one time she's actually seen a baby prior to Ruthie.) 

I was prepared for some adjustment and some jealousy while we were staying there, but Sophi did so great.

She was definitely curious.  She wanted to touch Ruth all the time.

If Ruthie started stirring or making noise or waking up from sleeping, Sophi would rush over to check on her.

If she said the word baby once, she said it a hundred times.  lol 

Sophi loved holding her.

And giving her kisses!

And a little bit of comparison. 

If one of us were holding the baby, she wanted to be held too.  Not because she was jealous, just because she wanted to visit the baby.

I was so proud of Sophi and how she wanted to take care of her cousin.  It was sweet to see them together.  And I can't wait to see them grow up to be good friends! 

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