Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Now wait just a minute

Working at Cracker Barrel, I end up talking to a lot of different people. My favorite is meeting people who are traveling and finding out where they're from and where they're headed. Last night I met a family from California.

But every now and then I have conversations and I'm not sure quite how to react. Like the man who told me a story about bringing home a Nat King Cole cd for his wife and how she liked it because he's black. How do you respond to that?

Well, last night was interesting. I walked up to talk to a woman who was trying on an embroidered denim jacket. The woman looked mid-forties and was tall and slim. She told me that she was trying it on to give as a gift to her mother, but that her mother was shaped differently than her. I think her exact words were tiny in the shoulders and thicker in the middle. She was debating between a medium and a large and asked my opinion. Then the kicker ...

well, what size do you wear?

wow, I'm shaped like your mom? thank you. i was trying for the pear shape

would you mind trying it on for me?

as long as the guest is happy. :)

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