Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pick a number

1 - number of times i actually cooked today
number of new contracts i got this week

2 - number of fish we bought! (i'll introduce you to Reparo and Patronus if they ever come out of hiding)

4- number of people who will immediately know where we picked those names :)

5 - number of times i thought today that i really need to go to the grocery store

11- number of names that i waited until today to report on (and just finished 30 minutes ago)

15 - number of months josh and i have been married

16 - number of blogs i am now "following"

19 - number of receipts i finally wrote down today in the checkbook

83 - number of pictures i finally downloaded to my computer

1 comment:

Emily said...

you better have included dusty and me in number 4... you all are nerds! (insert pushing up of glasses here and nasally noises.)
