Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ebay is not my friend

I was just doing some online shopping and happened across what I think will be the perfect gift for my sister-in-law, Megan. It was on an ebay auction that was ending in about 45 minutes. One person had placed a bid, so I was watching faithfully in the background - ready to swoop in a steal it at the last minute. This is one reason why I dislike the auctions - you have to keep track of the clock.

I went to place the bid with less than a minute to go and it brought up the login screen! I thought I was logged in, so this brought a moment of panic while Josh put in his info for me. But we placed the bid with 2 seconds to spare and were the winner of said awesome gift. Yeah. Only I looked at it and it was the wrong size! I thought it was one size fits all, but what item ever is.

To make matters worse (or better depending on how you look at it). I did a search for the item I DID want and there it was - glowing with it's "buy it now" price that was $0.50 less than what I paid. Grrrr. So, now I am the proud owner to two - and I hope whoever I outbid will still be interested when I try to resell the original. Not cool.


Becka said...

well, what did you buy? Maybe I want one.

Lindsey said...

Sounds like its your fault not ebays....

Terry and Patty said...

Your little sister has no sympathy. I do I am so sorry you had a bad experience with ebay.