Friday, January 30, 2009
25 Things
In no particular order
1) We never lost our electricity! We are very thankful and so are the fishies that couldn't have survived the cold.
2) I got two whole days off and spent them organizing the guest room and closet and playing Rock Band with my hubby. It's not done yet, but great strides were made.
3) I'm working on becoming a crazy coupon lady - the crazy part is easy.
4) We bought a quilt for the bedroom - from Target - slowly losing the mismatched look.
5) Sometimes after I turn off the oven, I leave the door open so the warm air isn't wasted.
6) When I was younger, I got chicken pox and strep throat at the same time ... and came down with them on Christmas day
7) I love Chinese food and have never found a restaurant as good as the buffet in my home town
8) I think that Aquafina and Dasani water taste metallic. My preference is filtered sink water or Nestle Pure Life.
9) I like to scrapbook, but I'm more drawn to the patterned paper then actually putting anything in a book.
10) I am currently reading the third book in the Septimus Heap series.
11) I have quit two jobs in my life (other than because of moving away) and both were excellent decisions.
12) I'm a fan of candles in general, especially the kind that smell nice (Febreeze are great)
13) I am easily drawn into reality shows (but not the MTV variety)
14) My sister is getting married on March 14
15) She is breaking the June trend the three other wedddings have had and more power to her
16) She is making me give a toast - I didn't make her give a toast
17) I never thought that I, my younger brother, and younger sister would get married 3 years in a row
18) Or that my younger brother would have a baby before me for that matter - but I'm quite excited for them (and to find out next week what they are having!)
19) I used to wear patterned socks every day, but I have grown more boring in my old age - basic white now
20) I don't like to eat big breakfasts in the morning, but am totally okay with big breakfast for dinner
21) I wanted to be an author in grade school. I think I still have a few "books" I started (just for laughs)
22) I didn't think it would be this challenging to come up with 25 things
23) A good pair of jeans does wonder for self-esteem - too bad they're hard to find when you're 5'1" and *ahem* curvy
24) I'm not much of a morning person, but not a night owl either
25) I find good sales and cute earrings hard to pass up
Join in the fun if you like!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
In case you were wondering
Among other decisions this week, Josh went to find out about getting his Masters degree. After talking to Wiggy, he is super excited and we're going for it. Well I'm not doing anything except some help with the funding and heading up the cheering section, but he's going for it! He will probably start classes in the fall.
So even though nothing has happened yet, it feels like things are happening quickly. And while we were making these decisions, we of course had to talk about where the future fam and the car I will need eventually fit into the mix - no real decisions made there, but you can see why my brain is swimming!!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Inaugural song of the moment
I think Obama appears to be a good guy, so I hope that proves to be true. I don't agree with some of the changes he wants to make, but to tell the truth - I don't believe it's going to make that much of a difference. I think if America wants to see change to badly, we need to step up. So in honor of the inauguration (and not waiting around for Obama to fix my life) my song of the moment...
A Savior on Capitol Hill by Derek Webb
I’m so tired of these mortal men
with their hands on their wallets and their hearts full of sin
scared of their enemies, scared of their friends
and always running for re-election
so come to DC if it be thy will
because we’ve never had a savior on Capitol Hill
you can always trust the devil or a politician
to be the devil or a politician
but beyond that friends you’d best beware
’cause at the Pentagon bar they’re an inseparable pair
and as long as the lobbyists are paying their bills
we’ll never have a savior on Capitol Hill
all of our problems gonna disappear
when we can whisper right in that President’s ear
he could walk right across the reflection pool
in his combat boots and ten thousand dollar suit
you can render unto Caesar everything that’s his
you can trust in his power to come to your defense
it’s the way of the world, the way of the gun
it’s the trading of an evil for a lesser one
so don’t hold your breath or your vote until
you think you’ve finally found a savior up on Capitol Hill
Saturday, January 17, 2009
My husband came to the rescue ... eventually. And even though it was bitterly cold, he put a spare on so we could get to the auto center - while I called around for prices and took pics. :)

We knew it was getting close to time for new tires. (You can almost tell how bald they were getting.) Okay, so maybe past time for new tires ...
(Insert chipper music)
Every episode, at the end, the main girl would look around at toys and books strewn everywhere and say
That's what I feel like this weekend. I look around our apartment, knowing that it must have been okay earlier in the week because we had friends over. What happened?
Oh yeah, and then the girl realizes that they made the mess while playing and this chipper little music plays while they clean the room in fast forward.
Unfortunately, our apartment will not be set to right in 30 seconds.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
In case it's not cold enough for you
Side note: I got this picture online and am a little perplexed why the two ends are Edy's but the one in the middle says Dreyer's. Strange.
Another note: HA! I just realized that the first picture I've posted in 2009 is of ice cream. I'm not sure what that says about me.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Options are good ... right?
What day is it? Because it feels like it has already been a week and a half. I feel like things should be going well, but it's kind of overwhelming. So I'm getting it off my chest.
- Josh found out about two (part time) job opportunities this week. He's checking into it, which is cool. We know of one possible full time that should be available in the future, but since we don't know how far away that future is ... it's hard to know whether to wait or not.
- He's also considering going back to school for his master's in counseling, so that's something to pray about. And could influence whether he wants a part time or full time job (of course our finances influence that as well).
- I have been working on mounds of paperwork from a new client that could connect me with up to nine new contracts. That's awesome ... and a lot. I was also informed that if I were willing to drop my prices some I could get a larger county as well which is about twice as much work as my other counties put together. ... and therefore would be a lot more hours/extra driving time/income/taxes to be paid. :) So I also have to decide how far I can stretch.
- I'm getting a little tired of this apartment, but Josh doesn't want to move just for a change of scenery. :) That means I need to a) get things cleaned up/organized so I can feel more relaxed/settled here and b) use our space wisely. This is challenging for me to say from the office because that space if definitely the catch-all right now.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I Heart Lazy Mornings
One day I'll upload pictures from my camera and blog for real. But apparently I'm too lazy for that right now. :) Happy Thursday!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Way to ring in the new year
So far, 2009 has brought us:
- a trip to the doctor (thankfully no strep throat)
- Monk marathon
- updated budget
- catching up on dishes
- way too many hours on Webkinz
- a new and improved (aka larger) fish tank
- a rearranged living room (to make space for the fish tank)
- no more Christmas tree, but still a few unclaimed gifts
- a huge turkey thawing in the fridge courtesy of Target