Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm just not that into it

You know when we get a movie from Netflix and it's not that great - I don't really care that much. We just send it back in a get another. But when I actually go to the theater, I want to watch something that's good. Lesson learned - even if it gives away part of the plot, it's worth reading some reviews before you dish out the money.

Oh, and if you were thinking about seeing He's Just Not That Into You - let me save you some time. Don't.


Emily said...


Lindsey said...

Good to know. Sorry you wasted your money, thanks for saving mine! Like I actually have time to sit down and watch a whole movie. The only movies I can watch are ones at home so I can work on tying a million ribbons around everything I own. Or atleast thats what it feels like.

Anonymous said...

Both positive and negative feelings arise after seeing this movie.Group of casting actors was well selected.However story script was not very clear to understand and also not so interesting.It seemed similar to watching FRIENDS.My average rating would be 6/10.Overall its an average movie which MAY BE WATCHED but its not so entertaining

Carrie said...

Yeah I saw this in the theater too, and did not enjoy it. Bummer. I came away with the feeling that I am SO GLAD I am married and don't have to deal with all that nonsense.