Friday, August 14, 2009

The Pedi-don't

I decided to give myself a pedicure this week. My sister and I used to do it at home. Put in a chick flick and soak our feet. Then apply lotion and a fresh coat of polish. Refreshing.

I love the version where they do it for you of course. But since I am cheap ... I decided to do it myself. I did, however, buy a "foot mask" and a new shade of nail polish. I need a little pampering after all. :) So, the foot mask is supposed to stay on for 10 minutes. I set up with a towel in front of the television because I didn't feel like staring at the wall for 10 minutes. Didn't think a few things out though.

step 1 - rub "mask" into feet.
step 2 - realize that if I put my feet down some of it will come off
step 3 - realize that I have this gunk all over my hands now
step 4 - crawl on elbows and knees to the bathroom and wash hands
step 5 - realize that I have no idea how long it has been
step 6 - crawl back to office to get towel and phone (clock) on hands and knees
step 7 - crawl back to bathroom and somehow hoist myself up on toilet seat (lid down)
step 8 - prop feet up on side of tub
step 9 - relax
step 10 - wash feet
step 11 - get around to the polish the next day because that took way too long

It was quite the adventure.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

hahaha, I wish I could have seen that.