Thursday, September 24, 2009


Well, as of today I am 29 weeks (and as of this picture I was 28).

What's new? Sophie is growing of course, and my belly is expanding with her. This has led to the mysterious phenomenon know as the disappearing belly button. It started by stretching out into a gaping hole, then closed into a half moon, and now has become a deep slit. No big switch to a outie yet, but I'll keep you updated.

Also have discovered many, many new stretch marks. Looks a bit like fireworks on the bottom half of my stomach, but at least it's festive. The lines going down my thighs and up my sides on the other hand ...

I am definitely counting down now! I have 11 weeks left until my due date and only 8 weeks of work left.

1 comment:

miranda said...

You're so funny! Festive stretch marks. HA!
The more kids you have the more decorative they become, so worth it. You look great!!!