Thursday, September 3, 2009


Well, what do you know, it just keeps getting bigger. This was taken right at 25 weeks. (once again a week late)

This week(ish) Sophie's heart is supposedly beating loud enough to hear with an ear to the belly. Josh has tried and had trouble hearing much that is distinguishable. I am not that flexible. :)

Apparently, my uterus is now the size of a soccer ball. That, I find easy to believe. Pregnancy is becoming somewhat uncomfortable. I'm not sleeping quite as well, though I suppose that's just practice for the next year of our lives. That, combined with the third trimester closing in (yay!), has made me a lot more tired lately, but I'm not back to wanting to nap every day yet.

I've picked up a few baby girl clothes from yard sales and thinking of her wearing them is a little surreal. Almost down to the last three months!

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