Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I enjoy blogging. I take photos with blog posts in mind. I enjoy having a record of the new thing Sophi is learning. I am excited to see if there are any new comments (hint hint!) It's not usually anything deep, but it is a nice outlet. But lately, it's just not happening.

Let's just be honest, my time management needs work. lol Lots of things in my life and home need work. I feel guilty whenever I sit down at the computer because there is so much other work that needs done. That was a lot of words to basically say nothing. :)

I found out today that we will not be closing on the house tomorrow. It is being pushed back for the second time. I am not surprised, but I am very sad to lose the weekend that we had planned to paint. We are basically trying to paint every ceiling, wall, and trim before we move in. It sounded great when we had a month to get it all done, but now we are down to two weekends before we have to be out of the townhouse. It's making me a little stressed thinking about it.

Thankfully, we have had so many people offer to help with what we need. We are just at a stand still right now. This whole process has been hurry up and wait. We find out that there is something that we need to get or do or sign and have to scramble to get it together by tomorrow, no make that yesterday. Then are waiting two weeks for the seller or realtor or appraisor to do their thing. I've never bought a house, but I'm thinking that's pretty normal.

It's amazing to me how little I have actually packed and how many boxes it has taken already. That is probably what we will be doing this weekend instead of painting. :) And I may have to squeeze in a few yard sales.


miranda said...

I'll take the commenting hint!
Hey, I've been meaning to tell you on FB that you have one cutie pie of a little girl. She is adorable!!
I hear on you the whole house thing, it's a pain. I hope things go well once you get the keys. Painting all that is a huge challenge, Joe and i nearly killed ourselves {each other!} on the last house we did that with. We weren't able to do that with this house and I so wish we could've, it would be nice to have colored walls right now.
Anyway, I'm sure you'll have a great amount of help.
Don't guilt yourself for taking the time to do things you love. It's hard to not, but I'm sure you are like me and don't do it often. I'm a happier mommy and wife when I make time to do something for myself.
I feel like I just typed you a letter, so. . .
Yours truly,

Lindsey said...

Why would i leave you a comment when you won't take the time to leave me a comment?

Lindsey said...

darn....I just left you a comment.

Finding joy said...

Just stumbled across your blog. I think that you should blog more often. I found your previous entries very interesting! Good luck on your closing.