Thursday, April 22, 2010

I was on a roll

I was consistent for a little while anyway. :) Now I need new pictures uploaded, but can't seem to find my camera. I'm praying that we didn't leave it at my parents house in Ohio, but need to clean my house to see if it is just buried under everything.

Suddenly, and randomly we find ourselves looking for a house. Hoping to meet the April 30th deadline and getting ready to leave on vacation around that same time. Yes, I feel insane. But even without the tax credit we may still look for a house. Our rent is going up, so why not find something that we can invest in? Who knows we may stay where we are for another three years. So much to take in!

Off to get some things done before the baby wakes up from her (please be longer than 30 min!) nap. And maybe tracking down AT& T to see what is wrong with my crazy phone.

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