She squirms a lot in her sleep, mostly when she is starting to wake up. Note the sleep positioner. She was centered in it when I laid her down, but somehow made it to there.
She doesn't do this when she is awake. She will kick her legs and move her arms, but doesn't really move anywhere. When she's asleep on the other hand....
I heard her cry the other night and knew immediately that she was distressed about something. I went in to find her in a similar position except her head was thrown back and her face was pressed up against the side of the crib. This makes me nervous. The bumper had to go because I've heard it can cause suffocation in similar circumstances. But not having it there makes me nervous too because I'm afraid she'll stick an arm or leg through. She has already pressed her head against it and had a red line. (Overall, much better than suffocation, so it's still going to go away until she's a little bigger.)
Apparently she gets her sleeping habits from Aunt Lindsey. :)
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