We've starting a bedtime routine that seems to help a lot. I don't know if Sophi appreciates it, but I certainly do. We aren't too strict with it because we're not always at home in the evenings, but if we are it goes like this...
Beginning around 7:30pm Sophi -
1. nurses
2. plays quietly with Daddy
3. eats warm oatmeal or cereal mixed with fruit
4. get snuggles with Mommy while we rock and read a story
After that, she lays in her crib. I have found that if I just stay in the room with her she will play contentedly in her crib (usually until she can't hold her head up any longer). I've just been bringing in my laptop to do work (or blog) or the book I'm reading, or occasionally I'll hijack Josh's iphone. So it's really easy for me to be in the room.
Sometimes she puts herself to sleep and other times I help out by rubbing her back or head, but overall it's been painless.
On a side note, I took these pictures because I thought she was sleeping so sweetly with her hand on the owl. I was messing around with a couple of night settings on my camera so that I wouldn't have to use the flash.
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