Saturday, September 11, 2010

Reunion of sorts

It's been a couple of weeks ago now, but we were so excited to get a visit from our friend Ebert!

Josh and Ebert have been friends since before I was even in the picture (or at Campbellsville for that matter). Then she and I got to be house buddies during my senior year at CU.

It didn't feel like so much time had passed, but we hadn't gotten to see each other since before I was pregnant. Sophi enjoyed meeting Ebie. :)

We went to Steak & Shake to get lunch with Emily, who also shared the house on Duffy Street, and her hubby Dusty. I fully intended to get pictures of us girls, but became distracted by the cuteness of my girl. (Sorry!)

She looks so mischievous here. :)

This was her first time in the high chair at a restaurant. She seemed to enjoy it. And the car that Dusty put together for her.

Her little wrinkled nose is so funny!

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