Saturday, April 16, 2011

A girl and her dog

 We have been loving this spring weather!  Sophi loves being outside and it is fun to watch her explore.

 So we've been enjoying some fresh air together. 


She also loves "doggie" Zummi.

She is always so excited to see him and it seems that he is excited to see her too. :)

In fact, the challenge is keeping him away from her.  She loves petting him and chasing after him.

 But she's not always a fan of the licking.

Or the fact that he literally runs circles around her when she's in the yard.  (To his credit, he hasn't knocked her over though.)

Josh and I joked that my new name is "cracker" and his new name is "doggie" because that is usually the first thing we hear from her.  

And since she is hard to resist, Josh usually takes her out on the deck for a few minutes whenever he gets home from work.  (And I give her a cracker when she comes back in. lol)

 The backyard isn't exactly kid friendly yet, so it's quite a work out to keep up with Sophi when we're outside.  Now that the weather is warming up we've got some plans to correct that. 

I'm looking forward to a fun summer with my girl!  Not sure when she got so big though!

1 comment:

Angelo said...

Wow, It's pretty nice. The girl is so cute with her dog :)

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