Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fun times

This week has gone by so quickly! Lindsey and I had a lot of fun, even though it might not have been extremely exciting. We did enjoy a late night trip to Wal-Mart, frozen coffees, dinner with the Taylors (and a little American Idol as well), new hair styles (a cut for me and darker color for her), and a fun game night.

We went to the city as well. Apparently this is my week for getting lost there because I set a new record even for myself. But that's beside the point. We got to go visit my uncle and his family, including my cousin Ashley and her "new" baby Jackson. He's actually 6 months old, but it was the first time I'd seen him. Of course he's adorable. Hopefully, we'll be seeing more of them in the near future. They live close enough that it's sad not to.

Oh yes, and the haircut. This is the shortest I have ever had my hair. Truly. I'm actually loving it. I'm a low maintenance kind of girl and it's working for me so far. So, here's a pic:

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Look What I Caught!

I tried to throw it back but it kept following me around the store. That's what I get for going to Wal-Mart late at night.
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Monday, March 24, 2008

My Sisser is Here!

Lindsey is here for her spring break to pay a visit. I'm glad, because we haven't been able to make it to Ohio for a while and so she's brought a touch of the fam to me. :) I'll keep you updated on our adventures.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Let the streets resound with singing

What a weekend! We got to:
  • Have dinner with Dusty and Emily, who I have not seen in WAY to long
  • Attend a special presentation by our church
  • Go to Josh's grandmothers to see the fam and have an awesome homecooked meal
  • Try out Rock Band for the first time
  • Listen to the church band rock out and hear a message that made me think of the resurrection from a different perspective
  • Be included in a family dinner with the Burgess-Henwood-Foster clan
  • Relax and watch a movie with my hubby
Growing up for me, Easter was never really a big deal in my family. Don't get me wrong ... Christ is risen ... BIG DEAL .... traditional egg hunt, Easter bunny, candy, new clothes, big meal .... not so big a deal. So I wasn't expecting a lot this Easter (the first I haven't spent in OH). But it was quite nice.

Friday night the church did a thing called Stations of the Cross that our small group walked through together. They decided to focus on the suffering and death of Christ on Friday rather than skipping ahead to the to the celebration. Then this morning, it really was a celebration. We sang a song that I have heard many times but today it just struck me through the lyrics that without the resurrection none of it would be true. Sometimes it is easy to forget how drastically one weekend is history has changed our lives, but today was a good reminder. So awesome.

Did You Feel The Mountains Tremble?

Did you feel the mountains tremble?
Did you hear the oceans roar?
When the people rose to sing of
Jesus Christ the risen one

Did you feel the people tremble?
Did you hear the singers roar?
When the lost began to sing of
Jesus Christ the risen one

And we can see that God you're moving
A mighty river through the nations
And young and old will turn to Jesus
Fling wide your heavenly gates
Prepare the way of the risen Lord

Open up the doors and let the music play
Let the streets resound with singing
Songs that bring your hope
Songs that bring your joy
Dancers who dance upon injustice

Did you feel the darkness tremble?
When all the saints join in one song
And all the streams flow as one river
To wash away our brokeness

And here we see that God you're moving
A time of Jubilee is coming
When young and old return to Jesus
Fling wide your heavenly gates
Prepare the way of the risen Lord

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Okay all you bloggers ...

... help a girl out. I know there are ways, but i can't seem to figure this thing out. Can anyone tell me
1) How to subscribe to a blog so it notifies me when they have a new post
2) How to see when someone has left me a new comment
3) How to know who's reading

I thought this was what dashboard was for, but I'm not having a lot of luck. Anyone?

The Red Baron Kentucky Style

My back window has issues. It will roll down, but it won't come back up. And as time has gone by, even if you don't touch it, it still slowly slides down. This wouldn't be a big deal except for one little thing. ... Rain.

Now usually I love the rain. I love falling asleep to the sound of it hitting the window or curling up with a blanket and a good book. However, I do no like it in my car. Now when I hear the rain I groan because I know it's getting my backseat wet. (This is however slightly better than the puddles that used to form in the front floorboard.) Now I know you are asking why we don't just pay to have it fixed. But it is going to cost around $200 and right now we are having other car issues that are a little more pressing.

So, yesterday, it was coming down pretty good. I got tired of the problem, so I got out some freezer bags and some duct tape and rigged this up.

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Looks good right? My personal favorite is when the yellow ran out and I had to mix in the camo. Unfortunately I discovered that this only works when the vehicle is not moving. However, it's still better than before. Now I can tuck my window in the for the night when I get home and once again enjoy the sound of the rain.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's Silly I Know

So, even though it is a little ridiculous I just had a bit of a thrill that my blog now officially has "Older Posts" Similar to that of receiving comments. :) Success!

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm Incredible?

So, Saturday night as I was watching the Disney Channel the movie The Incredibles came on. And yes, I confess that I like the Disney Channel. This reminded me of a time a few years ago when the movie had first came out. I was at a D-Now or something with the college and this guy I had met asked me if anyone had ever told me that I looked like the girl off the Incredibles. Not the mom, but the girl Violet ... who turns invisible ... and is afraid of other people. Of course, he wasn't talking about personality, right? What do you think? Is there resemblance? lol

Sunday, March 16, 2008

When It Rains It Pours ...

Wow, I am so tired of car problems it's not even funny. Josh and I have been trading back and forth having issues with out vehicles. Actually at one point they were both out at the same time. Right now his Jeep is at his parents waiting to get a new engine. Now mine is having problems again. I think it will be okay to drive at least until we get the Jeep back. At least I'm going to drive it so we'll see what happens. It's frustrating to say the least.

I'm trying to be grateful in the whole situation. We have been provided for in some awesome ways. Josh's dad is great with cars. He fixed mine the first time and is replacing the engine for the Jeep. All we have to pay for is parts and it has already saved us soooo much money. His parents have also been very generous in letting us borrow their vehicles so we won't be without. That is also great because my job is very dependent on my ability to drive every day. We also are already looking forward to that stimulus check . I hear is coming in May. :) All in all, it could be worse. We'll survive.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Wedding Season Begins!

This weekend has been full of wedding fun for Josh and I. We met Sean and Jen through the our church. Although I didn't realize it at the time, they had just started dating after they hit it off at the DC grand opening. Sean proposed to Jen at our small group Christmas party and today they got married! The wedding was beautiful. I think the most memorable part was when all the groomsmen formed a huddle around the groom. They played "Let's Get Ready to Rumble" and all the guys were saying "I do time" and "Go get your bride". It turned out hilarious. Plus we were early, so I got to enjoy watching them work it all out. I passed out programs and Josh did the video for the bride and groom (hence we were early). Of course, I haven't seen the video, but I think it will be good. They had him behind the bridal party so the angle was great. We had a lot of fun at the reception too. Josh and I joined the couples dancing for one song. It's actually the first time we've danced with each other. So sweet.

So, now I'm home blogging about the day and I think we all know what Mr. & Mrs. Snyder are doing. I was just counting and I think that makes this the first of six weddings we're attending this year. Love it! Next is Emily's turn! May 17th here we come. Ironically she will be Mrs. Snyder as well. Hmm... which reminds me that I still need to get my dress altered.
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Monday, March 10, 2008

Cabin Fever

Well, the snow is melting and while I thought it was beautiful I have to say I am relieved. Saturday my hubby was gone most of the day so I was alone in the apartment. I was looking forward to getting out and going to church, small group, and a fun bridal shower on Sunday, but alas all were cancelled due to the condition of parking lots and iciness. So while our apartment was slowly shrinking, I lost a few brain cells (there's only so much tv and dishes a person can take). Then we were rescued by our awesome new friends Tracey and Nathan. They invited us over to hang out. We ended up playing Skip-bo and drinking hot cocoa. Love it!

Then this morning as I sat at my computer, I was listening to Jim Brickman's cd Grace. It is mostly piano music and made me miss getting to play so much. In the last year I think I've played once. It is so relaxing for me, but I don't really have a piano available. Until today that is. :) One of the families that we love from our church (that we also love) have a piano. As I was talking to Mary about missing being able to play she said I should just come over and enjoy. So I did! It was wonderful. Not only did I get to sit and play for an hour straight, but they let me join them for a delicious lunch of homemade chili. Yay, so many good things in the last two days it almost makes up for my cabin fever weekend. lol

Thursday, March 6, 2008

"Please Silence Phones"

Don't think I'm too geeky, but I really love books. I like to read them, I like to listen to them on tape, I like to browse among them and discover a new find, I even like the book-y smell. I don't really care for the library in my county, but one of the perks of my driving is that I found a really great library one county over. This is good, because I love books and it saves me a fortune to read them for free.
So, the other day I was in the library and my phone started to ring kind of loudly. Well, that's a no-no in the library, but I didn't recognize the number. I silenced the ringer and tried to answer quietly. Who should be calling me but the library! They wanted me to know that a book I had requested came in. Caught! When I went to check out the woman realized I had been there all along. That's what vibrate is for folks.