This week has gone by so quickly! Lindsey and I had a lot of fun, even though it might not have been extremely exciting. We did enjoy a late night trip to Wal-Mart, frozen coffees, dinner with the Taylors (and a little American Idol as well), new hair styles (a cut for me and darker color for her), and a fun game night.

We went to the city as well. Apparently this is my week for getting lost there because I set a new record even for myself. But that's beside the point. We got to go visit my uncle and his family, including my cousin Ashley and her "new" baby Jackson. He's actually 6 months old, but it was the first time I'd seen him. Of course he's adorable. Hopefully, we'll be seeing more of them in the near future. They live close enough that it's sad not to.
Oh yes, and the haircut. This is the shortest I have ever had my hair. Truly. I'm actually loving it. I'm a low maintenance kind of girl and it's working for me so far. So, here's a pic: