Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Let's backtrack a little...

... I was not looking forward to this day, but it has turned out to be pretty good. Mom's surgery went very well. I talked to her this afternoon and she sounded good. She said she may even be able to already tell a difference in the way she feels.

The funeral, well, it went as well as a funeral can I suppose. It was a Catholic funeral, which was a little distracting to me because it was a new experience. I didn't get to sit with my hubby since he was sitting with the other pall-bearers in front. But I did get to sit with his family. And just for the record, I like my in-laws. They've really made me feel like part of the family.

So now, it is only 6:30 and I am at home for the evening without things waiting. Well, there's always laundry, dishes, the huge pile of clean clothes on my bedroom floor, dinner I haven't made yet... but I've gotten pretty good at ignoring them. I'm ready to enjoy an evening at home.

And since I have been a very bad blogger lately, I thought I'd take some time to get caught up on the exciting happenings of life in KY.

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