Our tank has grown some in the last few weeks. Well, the tank is the same size, but it now has more in it. :) I thought I would introduce our new fishy friends.
This is the underside of our chocolate chip starfish, Episky.

These are our clownfish. The orange one is Lumos and the black one in Nox. They're buddies.

This is our bright little crab. His name is Diffindo.

And lastly, even though he has been with us the longest, is Reparo. Reparo is pretty timid, so it's harder to catch him swimming around in the tank.
That's probably all the additions for now. We may expand more as more funding comes through. lol Mostly it is Josh's hobby. He has to do all the dirty work like add more water and check the levels, blah, blah. I just get to sit and enjoy. They are pretty relaxing.
Love the starfish! You and Josh are so cool!!!
Love it! I adore fish. And aquariums. And water. And anything that has to do with those things. One year, Dustan got me an aquarium for mother's day. best gift ever. Eventually we shut it down. Seems I am worse with fish than I am with plants.
Now you can wish upon a star when ever you want to.
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