Monday, July 13, 2009

Warning: Objects in mirror may appear larger than real life

Well, Baby H has definitely had a growth spurt since last time. This picture was taken a few days ago. 18 weeks! I do feel like the stripes accentuate things, but baby is also getting bigger. I've officially given up on any pants that do not contain elastic - mostly wearing maternity clothes these days. I've been so blessed to already have lots to choose from!

Our baby is now approximately 8 inches long and weighs half a pound. In the next few weeks that weight will double! He/she is probably showing off by yawning, swallowing, sucking, hiccuping, and making faces. :)

I feel pretty good these days! I can feel the tummy stretching and have occasional headaches, but otherwise feeling fairly normal - well, a lazy kind of normal. I'm about 99% sure I've felt the baby move, but it's still very infrequent. Well, they're probably moving all the time - just don't feel it very often. I'm looking forward to feeling some little hello kicks during the day.

Our next appointment is August 5th. Ultrasound! We cannot wait to see our baby again and get to find out if it is a boy or girl. I will be so excited to call it by a name. ( I really despise saying it all the time.)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Looking good girl!