Thursday, March 20, 2008

Okay all you bloggers ...

... help a girl out. I know there are ways, but i can't seem to figure this thing out. Can anyone tell me
1) How to subscribe to a blog so it notifies me when they have a new post
2) How to see when someone has left me a new comment
3) How to know who's reading

I thought this was what dashboard was for, but I'm not having a lot of luck. Anyone?


Lindsey said...

So I've come to the conclusion, you are addicted to blogging! No doubt. But thats OK, I'm addicted to Myspace :)

Carrie said...

I don't know blogger very well, since I use wordpress. But if you go to you can sign up for an account with them, add the links to blogs you read and it will tell you when there are new posts.

Becka or someone else with blogger will have to help you out with the other stuff, I have no idea!

Have a good day!
God bless :)