This is my sisser. This week she celebrated graduating from high school and turning 18! Isn't she cute? But acutally I like this picture better because she's laughing.

I could write a lot about Lindsey, but I don't want her to be mad at me. So in honor of her birthday I'll share some of the memories that stand out (in no particular order).
- Lindsey has no concept of personal space and enjoys propping her feet up on your lap.
- She is my fashion guru.
- She sounds like Darth Vader when she's asleep.
- Lindsey has a magic baby touch that makes even grandmas jealous (none that we know of course)
- I bit her ... twice ... and she deserved it.
- She can talk her way out of (almost) anything.
- She loves her nephews ... and since I do too, here's a picture.
- Lindsey makes us laugh a lot. She's not really a blonde, but sometimes she can fool you.
- She has matured and grown in Christ SO much in the last few years and I am proud of her.
- That boy better not steal her 'cause she has to move to KY when I have kids. :)
Love you Sisser!
Congrats Lindsey! And happy belated birthday!
Devon - sorry I haven't been by here in so long. I've been a busy girl. How are things in KY?
Haha love it. I do have a concept of personal space, I just don't care lol Do you think we should warn " the boy" that I can talk my way out of everything?
Maybe that boy will go to Kentucky to school one day!It was good to see last weekend. Love ya Patty
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