Monday, June 9, 2008

I feel old

Every now and then I find myself feeling stiff and sore, not because of any kind of physical exercise or anything good like that. Sometimes it's from sleeping wrong or sitting in the same position. I find myself trying to (painfully) stretch out the kinks and say to Josh "I feel so old". (He usually replies that I am, but only because he likes to rub in the fact that he is 26 days younger.)

This is sad to me. It assumes that elderly people are frequently stiff or in pain. Is this really the case? How awful. I would ask your opinion, but if you are reading this blog I will classify you as young. I don't want to get into trouble. Anyway, I hope I'm lying. I hope that I don't really feel old because that's not what old feels like. God willing, I'll just wait and find out.

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