So, I am sitting on the floor in Sophi's room waiting for her to fall asleep. She pretty much ignores me (and I her) unless I try to leave the room. So ... laptops are great!
Work is really picking up around here - probably gearing up for the holiday season. I should be spending time entering records, but I needed a bit of a break. Plus my battery is about to die anyway. :(
Josh and I have been trying to do some more house projects. Lately, we haven't been making time for that so there are still a lot of projects waiting. Rooms to paint, boxes to unpack, etc. He has been working on making the master shower usable. There was some drywall that needed replaced and some tiles to re-grout due to water damage. The toilet also needs replaced because it doesn't flush properly. But we're getting close! It will be nice to have two bathrooms again and it will be the first time we've ever had two showers. I'll post some before and after pictures if I can find what happened to the "before". And, you know, if we ever finish.
We ate potato soup for dinner. It's one of my favorite fall foods ever! well, that and all things pumpkin. Especially nice because we just now finished off a big pot that I made this weekend.
Planning lots of things lately! Looking forward to a big clothing giveaway! I've been on the planning team and things are coming together amazingly. Excited to make some art (by request) for sweet Ruthie's room. Also picking out clothes for a fun, all girls, photo shoot on Friday. And I really want to squeeze in a trip to a pumpkin patch this month.
Already beginning to finalize some holiday plans. We will be going to spend Thanksgiving with my family since Josh is finally out of retail work, and does not have to work black friday. December will include Behold the Lamb concert put on by our church, first birthday party for our sweetie, mini vacay to Nashville, and a trip to/family reunion in Arkansas. I can't believe it is already time to think about Christmas!