Venom and Song
The Berinfell Prophecies: Book 2
by Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper
This is the second book in a series about seven, elven lords of Allyra. Returning to Allyra after 13 years of taking refuge on earth, the young elven lords are thrown into training and battle preparations. Still coming to terms with their new future and struggling to master their special powers, the lords must conquer challenges from without and within. They must unlock the key of the Rainsong in order to prevail over the evil Spider King and time is running out.
The story had adventure, suspense and humor. I was drawn into the world of Allyra and had trouble putting it down a few times. Allyra is created well. There is enough similarities to our own world that it is easy to picture with enough differences to get a feel for somewhere completely foreign. The characters have realistic flaws and the authors did a good job showing their growth through the story.
My biggest issue with the story was that the number of characters was hard to keep up with. There are seven main characters in the elven lords, plus the adults who are their protectors, plus the main characters on the enemy side. It was hard to keep straight sometimes. This book is number 2, but even after reading the first book I still got mixed up. The character index in the front did help, but when you're in the middle of a chapter you don't want to have to flip back to it all the time.
I wouldn't call it a must read, but if you are a fan of fantasy fiction you would probably enjoy this series.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the bloggers book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission.

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