This is the kitchen window of our apartment.
This used to be a light, but the bulb broke out and a bird made its nest inside. As you can tell by the droppings coming out.
A momma bird.
As much as I enjoy spring coming on and stepping outside to the birds singing, it's not quite the same when they're inside your wall. And who new baby birds could be so shrill and loud! I almost went crazy. I would hear them as I was sitting in the quiet house eating my breakfast. I would hear them as I was on my computer (at the opposite side of the house). I would hear them as I fixed dinner. My cd player became my friend because it drowned them out. I wanted them gone, but I was pretty sure that anything we, or the landlady, could do to get them out would result in their death. I couldn't do it. So I waited for the day when they would grow up and fly away.
Gradually we did begin to hear less out of them. We were busy and out of the house a lot, but one day I realized that they really weren't screeching as usual. They're not really gone. The momma at least is still there. We hear an occasional chirping and scratching around. Josh said he heard her today pecking at our bedroom window. :) But I do feel that my sanity has returned. Now if you were to come visit me, you would not see me randomly go up to the wall and hit it. That's good news.
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