Thursday, May 22, 2008


I recently finished reading a book call Iqbal written by Francesco D'Adamo. It is not a long book, but I would highly recommend it. Iqbal is the fictionalized, but true story of a Pakistani boy, Iqbal Masih. He was sold into child bondage labor at a young age to work in a carpet factory.

I found the story fascinating. I thought that it was true in the sense of child labor in general, but it very closely follows his true story. It is also a narrative, so while it was very educational, it was pretty subtle.

I found this video online about Iqbal. He actually spoke in America in the 90's and this project was done by some kids who went to a school he visited. Check it out here. Oh, and when you read the book (because you know you want to) be sure to check out the English edition. It was originally published in another country.

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