It is Sunday evening and I am sitting at home. Usually at this time, I am at the Black's house with our amazing small group. However, that is going to become a thing of the past. Let me explain...
When we started attending our church in June, Josh and I got plugged in with an awesome community group. As a newly married couple living in a new city and knowing very few people, this met a huge need for me. (I'm fighting how that sounds a little "Christianese", but I don't know how else to say it.) I enjoy Sunday morning services, but they do not provide the same opportunity to connect as hanging out in someone's home, eating food, talking, praying, and generally sharing life.
Well, in the last year or so we are not the only newbies to discover the Black's :) Our "small" group is now bursting at the seams a bit. And so we are multiplying. Not splitting, because that sounds like there was some kind of drama. (But in essence, splitting). There will now be two small groups, one moving to Monday night with the Black's, the other moving to Thursday night at the Pike's home. Josh and I have decided to go with Monday night.
Reasons this makes me sad:
* So far, not many people are going with Monday - so as much as I love the Blacks it may be a very small group indeed
* I will miss my friends who I won't get to see as often now
* I won't get to cuddle Miranda's or Bernadette's new baby girl every week (coming soon!)
* Going to both small groups would kind of defeat the purpose :)
Reasons this makes me happy:
* Now there are options for people who could not be involved in Sunday night small groups to have another night of the week
* I have been so blessed by our small group that I don't want others to miss out on the opportunity
* Joanna has said she will be cooking dinner for us all! (which she has practically been doing for the last couple months)
* Well, I guess both our groups will be free on Sunday nights if we decide to hang out and let's just be honest, it was getting a little crowded
So, I'm not really sad - just recruiting... I mean adjusting. I love the fact that it is a welcoming and growing church, so I hope this really will help more people to get plugged in.