Monday, April 14, 2008

A House of Peace

Yesterday, my friends Emily and Dusty had a wedding shower. We drove down and had a lot of fun seeing friends from college.

After we had yummy cupcakes and they opened all the gifts, they had a special prayer time for the soon-to-be newlyweds. It was really special. One phrase that really stood out to me was
that God would make their home a house of peace. It struck me as something that I so desire. I want our home to be a place of peace, first of all for Josh and I. I'd love to be able to come home and feel that sense of peace. But I also want our home to be that for those who come to visit.

This was reinforced by a visit to Dave & Jen. :) I don't think we had seen them since the wedding and it was a great visit. All through college, we would go to Bible study there during the week. But it really became much more than that. Dave and Jen had a gift for hospitality. They always made us feel so welcome. If I was ever homesick or tired of dorm life or stressed out from all the homework, I could go over and have a safe place to retreat. A place of peace. I'm not sure they even know how much that meant. But I am so thankful.

I would love for our home to be that kind of haven. A peace brought about from the presence of God.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I love that women!