Sophi is at a great age where she is so entertained and excited by other kids. When we got home and I pulled Mason out of the carseat, Sophi started immediately kicking her legs, laughing, and reaching for him. It was adorable. Mason thought she was pretty fun too.
I was an interesting day. Thankfully, Sophi did not get jealous. There was one low point where I looked over at Sophi playing on the floor and realized that she had overflowed her diaper. Did I mention she was playing on the floor? On our new carpet? With poop all the way down her leg? And she was wearing shorts? And Mason was ready for his bottle and not happy about waiting for me to clean her up? Yeah, we could have done without that one. But on the plus side that had to have been a personal best for Sophi. lol
It was fun getting to see them interact together. I have once again come to the conclusion that I cannot imagine having twins though. :) It wasn't too difficult taking care of the two of them, but I certainly did not get anything else done. And he went home at the end of the day.
After we dropped Mason back off at home, we went over to our friends house for dinner. It was nice to relax and not have to cook. We also played a great game of spades. Guys vs. girls. The guys were way in the lead at the beginning, but we crept up on them like a ninja. We got within 20 points of their score, but didn't actually get to finish the game. I think it could have lasted another hour, but Sophi had woken up and needed to get home for bed. So we called it a draw (which if you ask me means we would have won if there had been time). Great end to a busy day.
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